Okay, I've decided not to do a full write up, but here is a link to WZ's results of the event.
Dolph vs. Danielson: I'm not surprised that Danielson won but I am surprised that it was clean. Like I said in my preview on Friday, I thought either Vickie or Kaitlyn would cost Dolph the match in some fashion. Good for Danielson to get a win again. Maybe Vince isn't shitting on the indy star anymore.
Where it will go from here: For Danielson things will go back to him losing. Dolph will continue to argue with Vickie before ultimately ending up with Kaitlyn.
Drew Mac and Cody Rhodes vs. Cena and Otunga: This match was added on during the PPV by the Raw GM. I wasn't a huge fan of Drew and Cody as a tag team, but at the same time I would rather see them as champs than Cena and Otunga. Hopefully the Freebird rule is in effect so we can see Slater and Gabriel defend them.
Where it goes from here: Cena will be forced to relinquish the belt to Barrett and continue hesitantly aiding Nexus on a weekly basis. The titles will be defended by Slater and Gabriel. Nexus will go on to face a team representing WWE at Survivor Series.
DiBiase vs. Goldust: Apparently they had good ring chemistry but I can't see the match being exciting to watch. I dunno about this one.
Where it will go from here: They'll fight over the belt some more until it culminates in a mixed tag match for the title and another as yet undetermined prize.
Layla vs. Natalya: I'm not shocked. I figured there would be more bullshit with LayCool winning. Can they give anyone else a chance?
Where it will go from here: Sadly, Natalya will not get another title match. LayCool will continue to rule the womens division until Beth Phoenix makes her return. God speed, Beth.
Kane vs. Taker (Buried Alive): Why did Nexus have to interfere? Kane beating Taker legit is very believable. I hope this ends the storyline between the two so Kane can go and defend his title against someone more deserving.
Where it will go from here: Taker is taking time off as always and Kane will feud with Swagger. There will be a couple of title changes before it ends up on Swagger in time for Mania.
7-on-7 Tag Match: Another unsurprising result. I didn't like some of the eliminations, such as Rey over Punk, Morrison over Swagger and Rey over Zeke. Not too exciting and after next week meaningless.
Where it will go from here: Nowhere. There is no long term gain from winning this match for either side. They ride a 2 week high and then go right back to how things were before.
Orton vs. Barrett: I didn't expect that ending. I figured Cena would do something to help Barrett win, but I didn't see him doing it like that. but then I should have. It's Cena helping Barrett while hindering him at the same time. I totally forgot that this was a possibility. Given the circumstances, I would rather have seen Orton win.
Where it will go from here: Barrett will get a rematch, in a steel cage, with Nexus banned from ringside. Who wins that I can't say, but I'm willing to bet Nexus will end up with all the belts at some point in the next year.
Overall PPV Rating: 6/10
Prediction Accuracy: 4/5 matches (80%)
The above accuracy calculation does not include the Goldust/DiBiase match or the tag title match as they were not announced at the time of writing my preview. That said, I did predict that there would be matches added during the show.
Hopefully Raw will be better tonight.
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