Sorry for the lateness on this, I've been having a busy week. I'm trying to find an alternate solution. At this point I may be dropping Impact from my coverage to help with the rest of my reviews.
So, here we go for the latest NXT.
We open up the show to Josh Matthews alone at the announce table. Hey, what's CM Punk doing here, and where did he get that jacket? He's joining commentary with Josh. This is going to be a fun night. We're also 2 weeks away from the first elimination.
Striker introduces us to the rookies. AJ and Kaitlyn look as hot as ever.
Kaitlyn had a big week last week. She won her first match and the joke off and the obstacle course. Ugh, here comes Vickie. She says that she's bringing in some of her close friends to help Kaitlyn train for her match against Jamie. LayCool. Oh joy. Just when I was enjoying the show.
They bash the Bella Twins (where are they this week by the way?), and all the rookies and all the pros.
Whoa, here comes Kelly. The new main event for tonight is Kelly, Naomi and Jamie vs. LayCool and Kaitlyn.
We now return from commercials and we have a bunch of chairs in the ring. This challenge will test their timing and shrewdness. Oh dear GOD it's musical chairs. The music isn't even good. It's like some crappy 70's game show tune.
Kaitlyn and Jamie out already. Guess they need to prepare for their match. Maxine is gone now. Aksana out.
We're down to Naomi and AJ. The music stops and they both sit down. AJ's cute ass hit the chair first, but Naomi's ghetto booty is taking up more of the chair. AJ wins according to the ref.
First match is AJ vs. Maxine and it's later on tonight.
We return to an Aksana vignette. Now, we have Aksana looking worried. She's having immigration problems. If she doesn't get her visa sorted out she's getting deported. Goldust tells her to calm down, and everything will be okay. Now just do the breathing exercises he taught her (3 guesses as to which breathing exercises).
Commercials are over and we have our first match.
Match 1: AJ vs. Maxine
AJ with a nice dropkick. Maxine nails her in the gut and suplexes her. Apparently AJ turned it into a brainbuster, but don't see how. Either way, AJ wins.
Rating: 7/10. AJ looked good (and she wasn't too bad in the ring, either) but I thought the finish was odd.
SHIT! Cole is back. I'm going to spare you the details. He basically says that NXT without Cole is just plain bad. He says he back for his fans (the Cole Miners). He's bringing back journalistic integrity to NXT and that he's decided to return.
Back from commercials and we have the talk the talk challenge. Goody.
Jamie's nipples are up first, and she's talking about teeth. She goes 10 miles off topic and turns it into a self promoting rant.
Naomi is talking about a toupee. She's got nothing to say about it. She also goes on a self promoting rant.
Both girls have been DQ'ed for going off topic.
Now AJ is going to talk about caffiene. She does pretty good. She gets more and more attractive every week.
HAHAHA. Aksana doesn't know what a llama is. Also, she loves Striker's blue eyes. Maxine talking about foot. Yay fun. She starts making fun of AJ again. Nothing special.
Kaitlyn is talking about ignition. Or not. She's talking about people in their underwear. Punk says he's not wearing pants, which is how he watches NXT every week (I watch it the same way).
AJ wins. She deserved it. I really think she'll win the whole thing.
Our main event is on now after the break.
Match 2: Jamie, Naomi and Kelly Kelly vs. LayCool and Kaitlyn
McCool in the ring against Naomi. Layla distracts Naomi now. McCool grabs her for a belly to belly. She tags in Kaitlyn who gets the pin.
Rating: 5/10. Overall a boring match. I'm glad the rookie got the pin but other than that, LayCool is a drag.
LayCool attacks Kaitlyn now. Why, I have no idea. Vickie is screaming about how tired she is of Kaitlyn. This is getting old.
Average match rating: 6/10
Overall show rating: 6/10
Musical chairs was dumb, and the talk the talk challenge turned into a shit show. The saving grace of this show was AJ. She won both challenges as well as her match. She's going to win this season. Is there any way to add a date with me to the list of prizes?
Tune in either late tonight or tomorrow night for my SD review. Tuesday will bring my Raw coverage and Wednesday will see the start of a new fantasy storyline.
See you all then.
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