The set up:
Vince makes his comeback after being punted, much the way he did during the storyline that aired. Instead of Roid-tista, the chairman puts himself in the 3-on-3 match for the WWE Title with Shane and Triple H.
The play-out:
Week 1:
In order to help prepare Legacy for the match, Vinnie Mac puts each member in matches. Randy Orton gets to face off with CM Punk in a special inter-brand main event, Cody Rhodes has The Miz, and DiBiase is going up against Matt Hardy.
Match #1 -- Rhodes vs. Miz
Rhodes surprisingly does quite well, and does not need help from his team members to win. It goes back and forth a bit, and we get the obligatory shot of Vince Trips and Shane-O watching the match from Vince's office.
The match ends after a Cross Rhodes and Cody gets the pin. Not surprisingly, Cody continues to make and example out of the Chick Magnet, saying that this is just a taste of what's in store for the McMahons at Backlash.
Match #2 -- DiBiase vs. Hardy
The match is not going well for Teddy. Matt has him on the ropes, and is about to hit a Twist of Fate when Rhodes runs in and makes the save. The ref, distracted by Cody, is paying no attention to the match, so DiBiase hits a low blow, dropping Hardy.
The ref of course never saw it, as he was busy dealing with Rhodes. He turns back to the match after getting Cody away from ringside, and sees DiBiase pinning Hardy. Hardy, crippled from the nutshot, cannot kick out.
Rhodes comes back to the ring, and celebrates with his partner. We then go backstage for some breaking news: CM Punk has been beaten down and left in a broken heap. No culprit in sight.
Match #3 -- Orton vs. ???
It looks like the main event isn't happening, and only one man could be responsible. Randy Orton makes his way to the ring for what is supposed to be his match. He says that he's ready to fight, but his opponent was mysteriously taken out. But, he continues, he's talked to the GM. She has found him a suitable replacement.
We all turn to the stage in anticipation of this new opponent, and.....this music hits. WTF?? Orton was looking for an easier opponent, as is usually the case with backstage beatdowns. The match takes place, but it's more of a massacre. Orton hits the RKO and that's it. Hacksaw's out cold.
Orton gets the victory, and celebrates.
Triple H then hits the ring with a sledgehammer, and Orton bolts. The two exchange some choice words with each other as Orton backs up the ramp.
After week 1, things could go either way. Could next week be the pivotal point when one team gains the upper hand?
Week 2:
We start the show with Legacy in the ring. Orton says that he's just as surprised as anyone that Puck was beat up, and that he didn't ask for Hacksaw, that's who was given to him. He's full of shit, and the fans know it. He gets booed into next week. He also says that he's arranged matches for Trips and Shane that night.
Vince is conveniently out of town on business, so he won't be competing.
Triple H will be facing the Moscow Mauler, Vladimir Kozlov. Shane will have to deal with the Big Show. Orton then tells us that Vickie has granted Legacy the night off.
Match #1 -- Shane-O vs. Big Show
Big Show is all but killing Shane, and he can't seem to find an opening. Shane rolls out of the ring, but Show is right behind him. Shane really can't catch a break. He gets tossed to the crowd barrier before being thrown back into the ring. The match ends with a nasty Chokeslam and one-foot pin by Big Show.
Trips comes out to hep Shane to the back to get looked at. He tells Shane that he'll get his revenge on Orton and Legacy.
Match #2 -- Trips vs. Kozlov
The match goes back and forth, with Trips dominating for the most part. There are a couple of times where it looks like Kozlov will win, but Triple H always comes back to counter the Russian beast's offense. After a few lucky breaks, Trips is totally in control.
He boots Kozlov in the gut, rams his head between his thighs, and hooks the arms. Just then, "Voices" blasts over the speakers, and Orton comes out to the stage. This distracts Trips, who lets go of Kozlov. Orton and Triple H stare each other down, with Triple H pointing at Orton as if to say "you're next".
This of course gives Kozlov time to attack Trips, and that's just what he does. Kozlov delivers a punishing blow, which allows him to get the victory over the WWE Champion.
Kozlov leaves, and Orton heads down to the ring. He stands over Trips, just staring, with that evil look of his. Triple H starts to stand up, and Orton backs up a bit. What's about to happen is obvious to everyone.
Just before Orton can deliver that brutal punt, Vince and Shane run to the ring. Orton tries to get away, but Triple H tackles him. Shane gets into the ring and joins in the beating. Vince, for reasons known only to him, just stands back and watches.
He grabs a mic after a minute or two, and tells the men to save it for Backlash, they'll get their revenge then.
Week 3:
While there are no direct confrontations this week, both teams are seen talking strategy for the PPV. Later on in the show, we see Vince talking to some unknown person. He says that this person is one of the most deserving people he's ever seen. Deserving of what is unclear at this point. All he asks is that this person considers his offer. Again, we don't know what the offer is.
At the start of the show, Vine is once again talking to the mystery person. He thanks the unknown person for accepting his offer, and says he won't regret it.
Culmination -- Trips, Shane-O and Vinnie Mac vs. Legacy
WWE Title on the line, winning team's leader wins the title
It's time for the 6-man tag match for the WWE Title. Legacy is in the ring first, and they are getting no love from the crowd. Team Trips comes out, and they forgo the usual entrance of water spitting, dancing and power-strutting. They're here to kick ass.
The match starts, and it's Shane against Teddy. They go at it pretty good, and DiBiase is struggling a bit. He makes a tag to Rhodes, and Shane tags in his dad. Vince may be getting frail in his old age, and is looking really bad.
Rhodes almost has him beat, but Trips breaks it up. Vince struggles to the corner and Trips gets tagged in. Rhodes decides to tag in Orton, and now the bloodbath begins. They tear each other apart, and the crowd loves it.
Triple H is now in full control. He's destroying Orton, and his teammates know it. Shane runs across the ring and takes out Rhodes and DiBiase, and in the process, himself. Trips hits the Pedigree and decides to give his father-in-law a few shots at Orton. He pulls Orton over to his corner and calls in Vince (no tag).
Triple H holds Orton for Vince, who is getting ready to kill the Viper. But wait...Vince hits Triple H? Vince looks pleased with himself, and continues the surprising attack of his own son-in-law. The ref orders Vince out of the ring, but before he leaves, he rolls a still stuned Ortonon top of Triple H.
The ref counts. 1.........2.........3. That's it, new champion! A shocking turn of events leads to the crowning of Randy Orton as WWE champion. Rhodes, DiBiase and Vince get back into the ring and congratulate Orton. Vince hands him the title, and grabs a mic.
Vince says that he told Orton that he wouldn't regret it. Only now do we realize that Orton was the mystery man. Vince tell us that after that punt from Orton several weeks ago, he realized that Orton was the future of the WWE, and that it was time he got what he deserved.
Vince says he offered to take Legacy under his wing, and help them gain the respect they should have in exchange for helping Vince deal with problems such as Triple H. He announces the formation of the "Corporate Legacy" and says that anyone who wants at Vince has to go through them first.
The show closes with the newly formed Corporate Legacy celebrating to a chorus of boos from the crowd, and stunned silence from the commentators.
Legacy Heel Status +
Vince Heel Status +
Trips loses title
Potential Storylines Generated:
Legacy vs. Hart Dynasty
Legacy turns on Vince
Legacy vs. The Colons
Vince vs. Cena
Legacy expands to SD for total domination of WWE
Roster takes a stand
Now, here's something I'll experiment with: I want you readers to vote on which one of the above potential storylines you'd like to see me write about at a later date.
Tune in next week for another edition of Fantasy Storylines, and maybe a new feature.
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